What happened to people getting dressed to go out? And by "dressed" I don't mean coat and tie. I mean not wearing wrinkly khakis and a golf shirt or jeans, some ridiculous looking untucked shirt and topsiders. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? For the love of god, have some pride!!...
I'm not sure what its like where you live, but looking for a new pad in New York City requires patience, a sense of adventure, and a keen understanding of the generous use of adjectives by real estate types. Terms like "park adjacent" really mean, somewhere within walking distance...
Oscar de la Renta truly understood women—their bodies, their minds—and knew how to reveal their inner beauty – probably better than most could do themselves. Mr. de La Renta created luxurious wrappings and adornments that instantly transformed each into a more confident and beautiful individual than they were before....
Do you ever watch old movies? I thoroughly enjoy them, not just because they're "classics", but because I love to look at how people dressed. What happened? When did we become so casual? When did we start thinking cargo shorts looked good with everything? Somehow I think in some...
I'm sure you've all been there, here, where you're just trying to make sense of the pushes and pulls of life. You spend your time living as a square peg always feeling like you belong in a round hole. The hamster wheel is the easy way out, the story...