I don't even know where to start with the VMA's.... Really, MTV referring to itself as "music" television is a stretch in and of itself, but music awards? Anywho, on to the main event.. I have to confess, the entire experience reminded me of watching a movie where I keep...
  I can't tell you how often I think about adopting a "uniform" look of sorts. Its genius really. Think of the time one would save wondering what to wear with that new blazer, or what color belt you have to match that new Hermes scarf. If you think thats...
I'm sure you've all been there, here, where you're just trying to make sense of the pushes and pulls of life. You spend your time living as a square peg always feeling like you belong in a round hole. The hamster wheel is the easy way out, the story...
I was so excited Sunday when the temperature briefly dipped into the high 50's. Sam and I were in the country for the weekend and were meeting friends for brunch at Bedford Post (I chose the restaurant because we see Richard Gere there once in a while... wink wink).  I'd finally...
As Fashion Month draws to a close, an observation.... "Bohemian", "70's", "hippie chic"... how many times have you read similar descriptions of countless collections? How does a "new" collection share a theme with so many other designer's "new" collections? Is the idea to all be different....together? Burberry, Etro, Altuzarra,...
With all the hype surrounding the usual suspects, it was great to see Protagonist put on a beautiful and well received debut showing at Fashion Week. With a devoted following already in tow, it was a lovely mix of rich colors and textures. On the polar opposite side of the...
I've always loved Stubbs and Wootton shoes, for evening or casual, they just exude style. In a time when people cling to trends like a baby to a blanket they just keep looking great in their own classic way.
There isn't a trend Sofia isn't prepared for... In spades... and if there's one she absolutely owns, its fringe. If the 2015 runways are any indication, this is going to be a big year for the flowing tassels.        There's something dramatic about fringe, something about the...
A truly inimitable force in music. I remember when Purple Rain came out.... Like every kid, it was like the music spoke to you. It was an anthem to be played as a soundtrack to your life. We never know how much someone like Prince gathered us all together...
In a world full of anger and intolerance, I've always loved this quote by H.L Mencken - “The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who...