I'm going to do you all a favor right now and demand you go buy yourself some boot-cut jeans. Pumps, flats, sneakers, boots, pretty much anything, they look fantastic. Trust us, we know these things.
Ok maybe I'm a little woozy from watching the VMAs and an overexposure to Kim Kardashian, or maybe I've just seen one too many men wearing skinny jeans but I think every day as an affirmation of sorts, we should all take a minute and remember a few icons of...
  I can't tell you how often I think about adopting a "uniform" look of sorts. Its genius really. Think of the time one would save wondering what to wear with that new blazer, or what color belt you have to match that new Hermes scarf. If you think thats...
Consider this a placeholder for the selfie you'll never see of Sam or me wearing some cobbled together swag posing in front of a graffitied wall looking sepia warm and perfect.
Whether you're exercise obsessed or just need something to rock around town, you can't miss with these 5......
So I've found the bright side of my deteriorating vision. Glasses!! Apparently after years of staring at this screen, its been slowly sucking the life out of my eyes. Some people might find this troubling but I like accessories! Perhaps a reasonably glasses free life has made me a...
We see Ralph Lauren from time to time and I have to say, he's pretty awesome. If you've never seen his house, or his beautiful car collection, you're really missing out. All those pictures of him with beautiful cars aren't just for photo ops, he can be seen many...
Ok, I think I might be coming around on man bags. I just can't seem to figure out a way to live without all my stuff when I'm on the move. Between my phone, my iPad and a camera WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?? Thats not even including...
Have you noticed how small boutiques are slowly becoming an endangered species? I don't know if its the prevalence of on-line retailers or sky high rent but it seems they are becoming a dying breed and this really makes us sad. There's something about the charm of a small shop,...
I was amused reading the recent On the Runway Blog in the NY TIMES on Birkenstocks, Birkenstocks are on the Move. I have been wearing Birkenstocks since I was a young girl. Absent any designers or celebrities who've more recently become cool, I would paint or dye my birkenstocks...