Sofia and I love all things fashion, and we are VERY enthusiastic consumers. Occasionally we'll take the opportunity to highlight some of our favorite places to visit (virtually or in person). We share what we love and where we love to buy it. In an endless digital universe of shops and...
I was amused reading the recent On the Runway Blog in the NY TIMES on Birkenstocks, Birkenstocks are on the Move. I have been wearing Birkenstocks since I was a young girl. Absent any designers or celebrities who've more recently become cool, I would paint or dye my birkenstocks...
Consider this a placeholder for the selfie you'll never see of Sam or me wearing some cobbled together swag posing in front of a graffitied wall looking sepia warm and perfect.
I've never been one to embrace the conventional, a theme that permeates my life. Recently while wondering what to do with the deteriorating mass of leather covering my credit cards I once again tried to think about something that was both utilitarian (insofar as it could carry my belongings)...
I was so excited Sunday when the temperature briefly dipped into the high 50's. Sam and I were in the country for the weekend and were meeting friends for brunch at Bedford Post (I chose the restaurant because we see Richard Gere there once in a while... wink wink).  I'd finally...
  I can't tell you how often I think about adopting a "uniform" look of sorts. Its genius really. Think of the time one would save wondering what to wear with that new blazer, or what color belt you have to match that new Hermes scarf. If you think thats...
I'm going to do you all a favor right now and demand you go buy yourself some boot-cut jeans. Pumps, flats, sneakers, boots, pretty much anything, they look fantastic. Trust us, we know these things.
Style can be described as the expression of your personality, your distinct visual flavor. Originating in the 17th century, the cravat certainly qualifies as a quintessential classic of style. It was once said "In order to be free and elegant, one has to love a cravat – an article...
Have you noticed how small boutiques are slowly becoming an endangered species? I don't know if its the prevalence of on-line retailers or sky high rent but it seems they are becoming a dying breed and this really makes us sad. There's something about the charm of a small shop,...
Ok, maybe I'm a little behind here but I LOVE UNIQLO!! I just got TWO of their UltraLightDownVests and they are FANTASTIC!!! How can these possibly be only $39.90? I wore one with jeans and a tee and they're great. Nice slim fit, they come in a bunch of...