Style Aficionado

What is Style?


style [stahyl]

  1. a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character.
  2. a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting.
  3. a mode of living, as with respect to expense or display.
  4. an elegant, fashionable, or luxurious mode of living.
  5. a mode of fashion, as in dress, especially good or approved fashion; elegance; smartness.
  6. the mode of expressing thought in writing or speaking by selecting and arranging words, considered with respect to clearness, effectiveness, euphony, or the like, that is characteristic of a group, period, person, personality, etc.
  7. those components or features of a literary composition that have to do with the form of expression rather than the content of the thought expressed.
  8. manner or tone adopted in discourse or conversation.
  9. a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode or form of construction or execution in any art or work.


  1. go out of style, to become unfashionable: The jacket he’s wearing went out of style ten years ago.
  2. in style, fashionable.


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