Do you ever watch old movies? I thoroughly enjoy them, not just because they’re “classics”, but because I love to look at how people dressed. What happened? When did we become so casual? When did we start thinking cargo shorts looked good with everything? Somehow I think in some way this has contributed to the downfall of society. I remember taking a Zig Ziglar class when I was in high school, “dress up, make up, go up” was one of the little catch phrases that we were taught. Its so true. Don’t you feel good about yourself when you get “dressed”? I firmly believe that if people woke up every morning spent 10 or 15 extra minutes putting themselves together a bit, their entire outlook on things would change. Sure cargo shorts and your O’Shaughnessy’s Pub 3rd Annual Bar Crawl T-shirt from college are comfortable, but really, is that the best you can do? Do we really feel better about ourselves dressed in our Walmart best instead of a nice sport coat, a nicely pressed shirt, jeans and some Tods? “Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not.” – Oscar Wilde