I don’t even know where to start with the VMA’s…. Really, MTV referring to itself as “music” television is a stretch in and of itself, but music awards? Anywho, on to the main event..

I have to confess, the entire experience reminded me of watching a movie where I keep thinking the dog is going to die, or a horror movie when I keep thinking someone’s about to get it with a chain saw.  I just HAD to turn it to something else, ANYTHING else at times. What happened? Where did the VMA’s go so horribly off the rails? And WHAT were those people wearing? I won’t even get into the walking arts and crafts project that was Miley Cyrus, but WTF was going on there? The KimYe clown show needs to be recognized for what it is, a tragic comedy. WHAT WAS BALMAIN THINKING??? Look people in the fashion universe, I get it, you can’t bring yourself to say anything critical about Taylor Swift. I can. To say she seems completely devoid of any sense of style is insulting to people devoid of style. She looks like Elvira does her eye makeup, and her hair… ugh. Taylor, honey, you’re absolutely killing it, find a new stylist and makeup artist. Hell, go to the makeup counter at your nearest Neiman Marcus if you have to, those girls could work wonders for you. The ONLY saving grace last night was the beautiful ladies of the runway. Gigi, Lily and Karlie looked fabulous as usual. Wait, aren’t they all besties? Are they that catty that they can’t just give their friend Taylor a little…. advice? Meh, “friends” means different things to different people I suppose. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk…. or wear horrid houndstooth pant/half shirt thingies and 285% too much eye makeup.

Oh, and as a parting thought, WHY IS EVERYTHING RAP?? I listen to a lot of music and while SOME of it might be rap, why do you feel the need to bombard us with what seems like a single genre awards show mixed with some Taylor Swift? I’ll only make one comment about that nutbag Kanye West; please, STOP. To refer to him as a halfwit would be generous by half. I get some of his music isn’t bad but for gods sake, stop letting him speak. Start the “get off the stage” music and if you have to, have security carry him out to the parking lot. If I wanted to hear crazy “stars” rant, I’d ask Tom Cruise about religion. No thanks. In closing, based on what I saw on social media, I’m not alone. It was like a giant WTF moment for most people watching. Hey, here’s an idea, how about MTV change their name to MTV-WTF? The award show would start to make a lot more sense…..