Sofia LOVES SoulCycle and has been trying to get me to go since forever. Now its not that I don’t like spinning, exercise or hanging out with Sofia, its just that I HATE the idea of having to wear a little get-up to work out (not to mention, there are “moves” apparently) and I don’t want to get the sideways looks from the SoulCycle elite. It reminds me of when I used to roller blade around Central Park a lot,  pretty much the epicenter for people who take themselves entirely too seriously, dressed as if they’re trying to qualify for the Olympics. Mind you I didn’t “just” rollerblade, I used Olympic caliber speed skates because frankly I loved to go fast and it was fantastic exercise. My disconnect with my speed skating contemporaries was that I didn’t care about the “look”, I just liked to go fast, which meant that while they would spend 45 minutes making sure their speed suit matched their socks and helmet, I spent 5 minutes grabbing some cutoffs and a tie-dye shirt, which brings us back to SoulCycle… Look, I might be able to withstand the silent scorn of the hard core spinners, and really, I’d love to go spinning, but I don’t want to embarrass Sofia. This isn’t about me, its about her. Thats my story and I’m sticking to it.