As another fashion month draws to a close I can’t help but think back on all thats been written about the seemingly endless stream of shows. “Stunning”, “Beautiful”, “Iconic”, “Classic”, and the list goes on and on. As someone who saw at least some of almost every show, I think they missed a few. “Predictable”, “Overdone”, “Contrived”, “Inexperienced”, are just a few that come to mind. Its not an accident that the world of fashion writers is to a great extent unlike many others. Movie reviewers for example, don’t have to worry about being invited back to the next show. They don’t show up wearing the latest gifted swag. Its a tainted experience more akin to an echo chamber of hyperbolic praise. Look, I get it, you want access, maybe the first look at a new design or maybe an intimate interview, but at least call it what it is, an endorsement. Recently I read an incredibly refreshing piece by