Style Aficionado

Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Oh My!!

What woman doesn’t love jewelry? Diamonds and rubies and pearls, oh my!  As we’ve talked about before, jewelry, like a Hermes bag, or Blahniks, is about quality….not quantity. The artistry of the design, the materials and the timeless style are what set the “fashion” apart from the “fine”. Whether its a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or an evening gown, some pieces are so beautiful they can dress up anything. As we ready our spring wardrobes and celebrate the end of whats been a terribly grueling winter, we’d like to offer up a few of our perennial favorites, as well as a few new editions to our must have list. New jewelry is better than medicine, you owe it to yourself!!

Hoorsenbuhs Phantom Cuff



Outlaw Atelier – Black and White
Carolina Bucci Melange Bracelet
Loree Rodkin Kaleidescope Earrings




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