I was amused reading the recent On the Runway Blog in the NY TIMES on Birkenstocks, Birkenstocks are on the Move. I have been wearing Birkenstocks since I was a young girl. Absent any designers or celebrities who've more recently become cool, I would paint or dye my birkenstocks...
Ok, I've reached a crisis point. Almost every one of my favorite jeans have some kind of tear, and not the "cool" tear people pay for, the real kind. Naturally this only happens to the jeans I hold nearest and dearest to my heart. The ones its taken years...
Maybe it was an early exposure to labels like Kiton that spoiled me, but I am a SUCKER for beautiful construction. Its really what separates the wheat from the chaff. Wander around your favorite boutique or department store and spend a few moments looking at the special bits that...
I've never been one to embrace the conventional, a theme that permeates my life. Recently while wondering what to do with the deteriorating mass of leather covering my credit cards I once again tried to think about something that was both utilitarian (insofar as it could carry my belongings)...
In the age of electronic everything, some things remain.... timepieces are timeless. There are a few things I always wear no matter what and a nice watch is one of them. Its the little things in every persons wardrobe that set them apart. Consider a watch an investment instead...
I've always loved Stubbs and Wootton shoes, for evening or casual, they just exude style. In a time when people cling to trends like a baby to a blanket they just keep looking great in their own classic way.
Do you ever watch old movies? I thoroughly enjoy them, not just because they're "classics", but because I love to look at how people dressed. What happened? When did we become so casual? When did we start thinking cargo shorts looked good with everything? Somehow I think in some...
I love mixing beautiful textures and themes, especially at home. Classic French country and modern, steel and wood, old and new. We enjoy interesting things with stories. Whether its the craftsman who made it, or the story of how it ended up in our home. The things you surround...
If you ever want to get an interesting snapshot of what constitutes taste, one need only talk to someone in the art world. A friend visited recently from London, owner of a tony art gallery, and we had a long chat about "taste". One of the interesting takeaways was...
"Don't be a snob about the way you dress. Snobbery is only a point in time. Be tolerant and helpful to the other fellow—he is yourself yesterday." - Cary Grant. There are a few men who I think epitomize style, Cary Grant is one of those men. He did one...