I’m sure you’ve all been there, here, where you’re just trying to make sense of the pushes and pulls of life. You spend your time living as a square peg always feeling like you belong in a round hole. The hamster wheel is the easy way out, the story without a happy ending. The highs and lows substituted with numbness. I’ve got news for you, we aren’t here for that. Life isn’t meant to be the office scene from Joe vs the Volcano. A series of days filled with grey and boredom. Our only respite being a hula girl lamp acting as an hors d’oeuvre to a meal we’re never allowed to eat. Our lives are meant to be full of love, pain, color, taste, miserable failure and elation. We’re meant to dig deep down inside us and pull out what makes us happy. And uncomfortable. To turn our lives into a safari of chance. We are meant to come to the crossroads at the fork in the road… and say… yes.