Style Aficionado

10 Pounds of Potatoes in a 5 Pound Bag…. Or Tux

After watching the Golden Globes, I’m once again struck by how many men don’t understand what looks good on them vs what they wear. The contrasts were stark, from the incredibly dapper Bryan Cranston to the “what were they thinking” Sam Smith. And before you let the thought even enter your mind, having an amazing physique has very little to do with knowing what works and what doesn’t. One need only look to someone like Jonah Hill, who isn’t necessarily the GQ model type, but the guy looks fantastic in his tux!

I love wearing my penguin suit!! My favorite is my single breasted, notch lapel Armani. I am a slave to the classics, especially when it comes to evening wear. A few things I ALWAYS look for when I’m buying any mens clothing are comfort and if the particular garment is suited to ME. That last bit is what it seems is lost on so many men, ESPECIALLY on the red carpet. Whats really baffling about that is that a great many of these guys are using stylists!! If you’re reading this and happen to make career as a stylist, STOP IT! Out of all the men I saw at the Golden Globes, maybe 20% looked like some thought was given to fit and finish…. how they looked, not what they were wearing. Its all well and good to say you’re wearing Dior, but if you look like 10 pounds of potatoes stuffed in a 5 pound bag, you’re not doing anyone (especially you) any favors.

I’ve gone on at length on these pages about the man in the tiny suit, the guy who thought pouring his teardrop physique into that Dolce suit thought all was good….because HEY, ITS DOLCE!! Fellas, if you’re looking at yourself in the mirror and you think the bottom of your jacket is supposed to fall somewhere mid-ass and those tight, almost legging-esque pants are your look… they’re not. They generally seem to look “almost” ok on one guy…… that 20 something waif of a man in the Bergdorf catalogue.

If you want to see how a “tailored”, slim fit tux or suit is to be worn well, take a look at Sean Connery in an old Bond film. THAT is how its done. But of course he’s Sean Connery in his prime, so theres that…. If there’s one thing I want the readers of Style Aficionado to “get”, its that fashion is something other people make, its not necessarily for you. Each of us has our own unique build, look, way we carry ourselves. Put a little thought into it. Just buying Dolce isn’t enough.

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